Why Is Darkness Important for Indoor Plants?
Light is a massive part of growing cannabis. When you think of a cannabis grow, you probably picture a room with huge, brilliant lights shimmering above a crop of plants. But nature loves equilibrium, and as such, cannabis loves darkness too. In the dark, cannabis plants go through different processes than they do in the day. The length of the dark cycle tells them what time of year it is, triggering different stages in their development. Cannabis seeds cannot germinate without darkness indicating they’re beneath the soil, and darkness protects the roots of cannabis from unwanted infestations and disease. So, to neglect the dark cycle in your cannabis grow is to neglect the plants themselves. With a bit of care, it is easy to achieve the total darkness that plants need to properly flourish. By the time harvest comes around, you’ll be grateful you made the effort. The Importance of Darkness for Weed Plants Probably one of the most important aspects of providing darkness to wee...