Gavita CT 1930e LED Grow Light VS GrowPros AK800PRO Grow Light
As technology has advanced throughout human history, it seems like magic to tell ordinary people 500 years ago that we can simply grow plants with glowing glass tubes. It does. With so much focus on sustainability and the environment, it’s no surprise to hear growing lights in conversations on all types of topics. Grow lights have become very popular, offering a variety of alternative benefits without doing things the old-fashioned way. Talking about bulbs for plant growth can be very interesting because there is so much to learn, there are so many different varieties, and the industry is in a constant state of development. In this guide, we’ll cover what you should know about grow lights. What are grow lights? Simply put, a grow light is actually an electric light used to help plants grow. Originally, plants would grow naturally due to the Earth’s sun. Photosynthesis requires sunlight. Photosynthesis isn’t just a random word you hear in high school science class — it’s the p...