Top 3 Grow Tent Ventilation Kit | Grow Room Ventilation Setup

 For a perfect hydroponic grow setup indoors, you require various installations to establish a favorable environment for your plants. A grow tent, grow lights, hydroponic installation, and the ventilation kit to keep the environment clean inside and outside of the tent is required along with other monitoring tools to complete the setup. And, we here are discussing tent ventilation kits to help you acquire one best for your use or many as you require.

This ventilation equipment is essential as they keep the environment inside clean and fresh for the plants. And, smell-proof outside to help you keep your marijuana cultivation discreet. The ventilation also helps the environment inside with airflow. Therefore, buying a grow tent ventilation kit is a good idea and better than purchasing components separately for better compatibility and efficiency.

Understanding Grow Tent Ventilation

Many beginner cannabis growers get confused or overwhelmed when it comes to ventilation. However, the basic principles of ventilating your grow space are simple; get old, humid air out of your room/tent, and replace it with fresh, cool air from outside.

As you’re reading this, you might be wondering what causes the air in your tent/room to grow warm and humid in the first place. Let’s break it down:

Cannabis plants naturally transpire (or sweat). In fact, this process is essential for plants to move water and nutrients from the soil up into their branches, foliage, and flowers. Cannabis plants transpire through the stomata and cuticles in their leaves, and lenticels (pores found in outer plant tissue such as stems), which creates a pull that draws water up from the roots to the rest of the plant. The water that your plants transpire naturally evaporates into the air in your grow space, gradually driving up relative humidity.

Warmth From Grow Lights
All grow lights emit some form of heat. And, while modern LEDs tend to run cooler than classic HIDs, many growers still opt for the latter (either metal halide, high-pressure sodium, or both) as they tend to produce bigger yields. Without proper ventilation, your grow lights will naturally drive up the temperature in your tent/room.

The best way to keep your grow space ventilated is by using an exhaust system that draws old, warm air out at the top of the room/tent, and draws cool, fresh air from the bottom of your grow space up through the plant canopy. Depending on the size of your space, you can also use simple fans to move air around. Keep reading for more info on how to use extractors and fans.

Importance of Ventilation

When you talk about growing plants indoors, most people usually tend to focus upon the light, heat and nutrients as the core aspects. However, ventilation is equally important! A well-ventilated grow tent ensures that the plants are getting an optimal environment for their growth. Here’s a look at the benefits of a well-ventilated grow tent.

A well-ventilated grow tent ensures that heat does not accumulate inside it! Heat is quite damaging to the plants as well as to the machinery such as grow lights because it can be quite damaging! Ventilation kit helps ensure that the heat moves out of the grow tent and a good climate is maintained which helps the plants grow well.

A well ventilated grow tent also ensures that pests and insects do not venture inside it. With the constant movement of air inside a grow tent, small and light insects/pests will be filtered out of the tent with ease.
Having a clip-on fan to improve the circulation of air inside a grow tent is also quite beneficial as it ensures that there’s a light breeze inside the tent, which will be good for the growth of the stem and the branches.

ECO Farm 4'’ Ventilation Kit


ECO Farm Ventilation Kit has effective ventilation which is powerful blower with fan speed of 2850 RPM and air flow of 189 CFM. Effectively pass air through your target location for optimal ventilation

Efficient design: The lightweight and compact fan takes up the least space; it is very suitable for applications where a larger fan cannot be installed. The efficient deflector function can increase airflow while reducing noise output.
Low noise level: equipped with a baffle to concentrate the fan airflow and reduce turbulence, reducing the sound output to only 30 dB
Easy to install: the flanges on the intake and exhaust ends are used for simple and convenient connection,

The inner and outer nets provide 53% of the open area, allowing for increased airflow. The carbon filled in the machine can achieve 100% filtering of the airflow. Life expectancy 1~1.5 years

Withstand temperature: 400 degrees Celsius (safer) Working environment temperature: -20 to 65 degrees Celsius, zinc anodized steel shell mesh, coal-based activated carbon, replaceable Velcro pre-filter

VIVOSUN Air Filtration Grow Kits


When it comes to growing weeds, Vivosun is one of the most trusted brands. Especially for growers who like to grow weeds indoors, this is a company that offers many different products, such as planting tents and planting lights. Vivosun also produces planting tent ventilation kits, which are very useful for growers because they can put everything in one place instead of buying components separately. The product has three variants of 4 inches, 6 inches and 8 inches

This in-line fan is very suitable for growers who want to grow hemp plants in a planting tent. This is a small and medium-sized setting, but it is more suitable for the latter. The CFM reading of the six-inch pipe is 440, which ensures proper air flow. The fan runs at a speed of 2450 RPM. Another advantage of this fan from Vivosun is that it runs in a very quiet manner, only 50dB, which makes it one of the best ventilation kits for growing cannabis.

The carbon filter uses a 1050+ RC 48 Australian native charcoal bed, which is considered to be one of the best to absorb carbon, ensuring that all the smells of weeds are trapped in it. The pipe is also very strong, because it has three layers of pipes and built-in steel wires to ensure that the pipe is sufficiently reinforced to stay strong.

Typhoon Combo MtAir 1040 Carbon Filter+XL 10" CFM Inline Fan


High-grade steel structure (10 inches, 12 inches) with black powder coating paint-convenient size, ranging from 6 inches to 12 inches
They include a “tape flange” that allows you to place the pipe on the fan and tape it in place easily!

Designed for vibration-free operation, a balanced motor with permanently lubricated ball bearings can ensure vibration-free operation
Typhoon XL mixed flow fan provides high quality at a low price

The fan is designed with the highest quality components and has a long service life, including an additional 120 volt, 8 foot power cord

Essential Tools for a Better Ventilated Grow Room

Here’s a list of all the essentials you’ll need to properly ventilate your grow space.

Extractor Fan
Extractor fans pull old air out of your grow space. Because hot air naturally rises, you should instal your extractor at the top of your room/tent. Some grow lights or reflectors come with an attachment for an exhaust system.

Keep in mind, there are many different extractors on the market, and you’ll need to match the power of your extractor to the size of your grow space. The power of indoor extractors is typically measured in CFM — cubic feet per minute. Here’s how to calculate the CFM you’ll need to properly ventilate your grow room/tent.

Understanding CFM
To calculate the volume of your grow room/tent, multiply its length, width, and height (ideally in feet). For an average 4 × 2ft hobby grow tent, for example, the calculation would look like this:

4ft (length) × 2ft (width) × 5ft (height) = 40ft³

For a grow tent of this size, you’ll want to pick an exhaust fan with at least 40 CFM. As a general room of thumb, we recommend picking a fan with a CFM equal to the volume of your tent/room. This will ensure your fan completely replaces the air in your grow space every minute.

The metric equivalent of this equation is cubic metres per hour, which you can figure out using this handy converter.

Carbon Filter
Carbon filters are designed to scrub contaminants from the air. When attached to your exhaust system, they also absorb the terpenes given off by your plants to cleanse the air you extract from your grow room. Because carbon is very dense (a single gram of activated carbon has a surface area of 3,000m²), activated carbon filters are very effective at dealing with the smell of a cannabis grow room.

Oscillating Fans
Oscillating fans are the final piece of the ventilation puzzle. While they might seem simplistic and cheap, strategically placed fans can encourage efficient airflow around your grow room. Not only will the breeze strengthen the stems of your plants, but it’ll help prevent the build-up of stagnant air around your space, reducing the risk of pests or plagues ruining your crop.

Grow Tent Ventilation Setup

Your ventilation system can be set up in various ways. Here are a few options:

Your ventilation can be set up in a number of ways. Here are some possible configurations:

Placing the right fan — when fans are functioning properly, you have control of the air flow. Basically, there are two types of fans:

Air Extractor fan systems — takes out old and stale air and brings in fresh air. This is one of the most effective systems for premium air flow.
Oscillating fans — cost effective and efficient. A constant influx of air is blown around the plants. Includes an easy set up. This system requires that you have more than one oscillating fan.
Passive Intake-

Passive intake is reliant on passive airflow and negative pressure. It blows air out without a fan blowing inside. Basically, there is a hole that allows the air to enter the tent passively.

Active Intake-

This system draws air from the fan directly. The air from one fan blows air in and another blows the stale air out.

Controlling Humidity-

Another important factor in ventilation set up is the ability to control the humidity to prevent plant diseases. Basically, you want to lower the humidity levels by pushing the humid air out by utilizing an exhaust fan.

However, there are rare times that you may need to increase the humidity. This is accomplished by sealing off the grow tent and turning the exhaust fan off.

Keep in mind; correct humidity levels are very important. For healthy and thriving plants, it is imperative that your research the amount of humidity that is needed for your plants.

Injecting Carbon Dioxide-

For transpiration to take place you need to inject CO2. Transpiration is the process of water moving through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts like stems, leaves, and flowers.

For the most part, an enclosed area like a grow tent typically has low levels CO2. Therefore, CO2 injection is needed for a healthy plant.


While managing airflow in your cannabis grow room might seem tricky, it doesn’t have to be. As long as you follow the tips in this guide, and focus on constantly replacing the air inside your tent or room, your plants will have the perfect conditions to flourish in.



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