3 Best Electric Weed Dryers in 2022

 While weed will grow almost despite you, it is better to know what you are doing when developing it.

Still, if you have gotten this far, then you must know what you are doing.

It can cost anywhere from a couple hundred to a few thousand dollars to grow weed at home. And you will need to be just as attentive with your work and grow ethic during the harvesting and drying period as you were during the budding period.

It can take about 60 days before your budding weed plants are ready for harvesting. And even then, you should not start smoke smoking your bud straight from the plant.

After harvesting, weed buds are sticky and wet with pistils drenched in trichomes, tiny hair-like appendages covered with crystallized THC. It is a beautiful sight to behold.

However, these THC-drenched trichomes are fragile. They need to be dried and cured for an optimal high.

Additionally, your home-grown weed needs to be cured and dried for at least another 30 days in a two-stage process. Drying and curing your weed will allow the THC-drenched trichomes to reinfuse your weed with more potency.

And curing will dry out your weed sufficiently so that it burns easier when you smoke it.

It’s your weed, and you are free to smoke it right from the plant. But if you dry it for two weeks at least and cure it for a few days, you will find your weed will be of higher potency and quality.

Just follow our informative two-part harvesting and drying guide, and you will always grow high-quality bud every time. We even have an FAQ for you at the end of this guide.

The importance of drying weed

Before choosing a weed dryer, it’s important to understand the importance of drying weed and why a particular piece of equipment is best for your product. Weed buds must be dried and cured for a variety of reasons, but the main purpose is to maintain the potency, effectiveness and condition of the product.

Mildew proof

After spending months preventing mold from growing on your buds throughout the vegetative and flowering cycle, it’s crucial to stop it from getting in when you’re drying the buds. Mold and yeast-related fungi can contaminate crops and can ruin entire yields if you don’t not notice in time — the climate in the dry room and the trays you use help control potential microbial exposure. Weed dryer and trays reduce the amount of water inside the plant. However, you must purchase the right dryer to ensure the flowers dry at a consistent rate. If you dry your plants quickly, you run the risk of evaporating certain cannabinoids and terpenes. Slow drying provides more favorable conditions for mold growth.

Preservation of Cannabinoids and Terpenes

Terpenes are responsible for the unique aroma you get from plants. They have a different boiling point than cannabinoids, and they tend to evaporate if the weed plant dries too quickly. To avoid this, dry the sprouts at a slow but steady pace. Adequate drying of your flower buds ensures that your consumers get all the cleaning and positive effects of the flower.

Increase potency and aroma

One of the most important reasons for perfecting the drying process of the weed plant is to maintain its high potency and aroma. After the harvest stage of the process, the internal production of cannabinoids stops, so no more resin is formed and potency begins to decline. Drying slows down these effects, ensuring your products stay potent for longer. Dried weed is also better for consumption.

Looking for the best herb dryer box can be stressful, especially if you’re new to growing and drying weed. We have relieved some of that stress for you by compiling a list of the best herb dryer boxes available on the market. Let’s take a look at the list.

ECO Farm Medicinal plants Dryer


The ECO Farm plants dryer facilitates a much faster and more efficient drying of your plants. Simply the dryer will distribute the air evenly, thus preventing moisture from spoiling the quality of the flowers that are in the drying period. This model has a low, pre-set temperature that is set to perfectly dry your medicinal plants every time.. If you do not have much space and you are worried where you are going to place it, do not suffer any more! since it is perfect for small places or when you do not have a discreet place to carry out this important step of weed cultivation.

ECO Farm Electric Medicinal Plants Dryer


This weed electric dryer has a great drying capacity in addition to not noticing that it is plugged in since it emits practically no noise, making it a very comfortable element for growers in the sector. This device causes dehydration of fresh herbs without affecting the organoleptic properties of herbs (does not affect alkaloids or terpenes). So in a matter of hours our favorite herbs can be stored in conservation boats or vacuum bags.

ECO Farm 5 Trays Herb Drying Machine


The unit has an automatic fan that circulates warm air evenly inside, and 5 stackable trays with grid-like bases. Transparent tray allows visualization of dehydration status. These trays are double height adjustable so that the entire flower will fit when using the maximum height between trays.

Using the Right Method to Dry Weed

You can find numerous ways to dry your weed on the internet. Some methods involve water, while other forms involve freeze-drying.

It won’t do you any good using any complex method. The majority of growers use one straightforward method or their own variation to the method.

This well-used method is basically the same as drying clothes. You just have to hang it from a wire. The process involves you cutting your plant and hanging it from a wire or string. Some growers prefer to use a dryer instead of a wire for their buds. All you have to do is let the buds dry on their own by placing them in a place with the right conditions.

If you are thinking of ways to quickly dry your weed, like using heat fans or a microwave, then you should know that it will hasten the drying process, but the weed you’ll get in the end will be garbage. You won’t want to waste your months of hard work.

Drying In A Bag

Using a brown paper bag to dry weed on a small scale is quite popular. Using a paper bag is an easy way to keep the humidity inside the bag higher than the room’s humidity, which slows down evaporation. Ensure you recirculate the humidity by opening and closing the bag from time to time. If you want to keep the moisture at a low level, keep only two or three layers of bug buds inside the bag. You can use a hygrometer to keep an eye on the humidity level inside the bag. If the humidity level is higher than 50 percent, you can use a fan to get rid of the moisture-filled air.

Step by Step Guide on How to Properly Dry Weed

Cutting And Trimming
When it has reached the time to harvest your crop, it also marks the beginning of the curing process. It is best to cut the branch at a foot length away from the bud. Even if you plan to manicure the branch after the drying process, it is best to do it this way to ensure no leaves disturb the drying process. To get rid of all the unwanted leaves, you will need to get a bud trimming machine or trimming scissors.

If you’re using a dryer instead of a weed hanging line, then you can cut the buds directly and trim them; for this, you will need a trim tray. You can do your complete manicuring after the drying process. You won’t have to spend a lot of time manually trimming the buds. This is why the best option is to get a bud trimming machine.

Keep The Weed In A Dark Area
After manicuring the buds, the next step is to move them into a dark room. You do not need to use a grow light or sunlight.

Keeping them in a dark room meets the humidity and temperature requirements of the buds. You can decide to use a dehumidifier to maintain the humidity level between 45 to 55 percent.

Your buds’ ideal temperature is between 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit or 15.5 to 21 degrees Celsius. If the room you intend to use is already at this temperature, you do not need to do anything. If not, you can use an air conditioner to regulate the temperature in the right range. They improve the airflow; you can use a small fan.

Check For Dryness
Usually, it takes up to 5 to 15 days for the buds to properly dry. To know if it has dried, you can always tell by looking at the bud, that is, if you have been growing weed for a while.

To know if the buds are properly dried, the flowers will be a bit crispy, and the branch can snap, which means it is ready to be cured.

Curing Weed And Storing In An Air Tight Container
To complete the curing process and ensure that the buds are properly dried, you have to store them in a dry and airtight container.

You can store your buds in glass or plastic canning jars. You can also store them in plastic bags, but that can be risky; just make sure that you do not pack a lot of flowers in one bag.

For about a week, you’ll have to open the jar for short periods several times. Doing this allows any leftover moisture to evaporate and also let in some fresh air. During the second week, you can open the jar or bad once every few days. The weed should be fully cured after 2 to 3 weeks.

The longer your weed spends drying, the better the final result will be. If at some point you perceive an ammonia smell from your buds, then you’ll know that you didn’t follow the steps properly. The smell probably means that bacteria has infected the buds resulting in the awful smell.

Ensure that you check that the buds are properly dried before you store them.

Tips for Drying Weed

The first thing to know is that it is best to dry your weed hanging upside down. This allows the leftover water, energy, and nutrients to flow down to the flowers, which are the last place to completely dry. Leaving your plants to dry hanging upside down improves the flavor and aroma of the dried and cured buds.

The second factor to consider is the drying time. If you try to dry your weed quickly, it will result in the flower becoming dehydrated and crisp while the inside parts will be damp and moist. This is bad as you need to aim for balance. However, drying your weed too slowly is also not recommended because this makes it prone to mildew and mold, especially if the humidity level is high.

Drying Weed FAQ

Does Drying Weed Make It Lose Potency?
As long as you properly, slowly, and meticulously dry and cure your weed, it should not lose any potency.

Why is Dry Weed Better Than Wet Weed?
Good, dank weed may be sticky with THC trichomes, but it is dry. Dank weed is not wet from excess water.

Look at it this way, the less your weed weighs, the more you will get out of it. Water and moisture-rich weed are hard to smoke and dampen the full psychoactive potential of THC.

Always dry out and cure your weed.

Why is the Weed Sold in Dispensaries so Dry?
The weed you buy in a dispensary is very old, thoroughly dry, and has probably been professionally cured on an industrial scale for months before being sold to the public.

And that is why dispensary prices are so high; it is always cheaper to grow your own weed if you can.


We have detailed some fast methods for drying weed. And all of them should work, although potency and taste will be sacrificed.

We highly recommend that you employ the slow drying method and cure your weed for at least a month. A cake doesn’t bake in two minutes. And a farm field does not yield crops in a week.

It takes time to enjoy the best things in life. And if you have the means to grow your own weed, why rush it?

Always remember that patience and discipline is a virtue when it comes to growing weed.



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