Luxx DE 1000w HPS Grow Light VS B.Lite 1000w Premium DE HPS Grow Light Fixture

 Growing bulbs occupy an exceptional place in the lives of people who typically grow plants. Growing it takes time and is often a laborious process but is very rewarding in the end. Nevertheless, you need the best HPS grow lights to raise the plants. These lights have long been a popular way to light up your plants. Likewise, they are ideal for other plants like flowers and vegetables. They have a beautiful design and a white powder coat that makes them rust-proof. Also, they have a sturdy frame with hooks that can be used for mounting. Although the introduction of LED grow lights has come with changes, these best HPS grow lights are still a significant force in the market.

The Mechanics Behind an HPS Bulb

As you’re walking briskly down a street during the evening, have you ever watched the street lamps turn on? Although these are roughly 20-feet above you, the light is an intense reddish/orange that cascades down across the avenue.

These are high-pressure sodium bulbs, and like metal halide, they are commonly found throughout cities across the world for public lighting.

Now that you know this, the answer is no, you shouldn’t try to place a plant nearby for free light.

Now that we’re past that, how do these invaluable lights work? First, you’ll need to understand what they’re composed of. To simplify this process, we’ll list the main components that are worth noting.

A glass bulb that’s treated to handle the immense heat
A ceramic arc tube that’s filled with Xenon, Mercury, and Sodium
A frame that holds the arc tube
A stabilizer
A vacuum
Most HPS grow lights start with a pulse ignition that’s fired from the ballast. The ignition initializes the HPS bulb by emitting a white color. This is the Xenon heating up first. The second gas the react is the mercury, which emits a bluish light. Lastly, the sodium reacts, and the orange/red hue is then observed.

The HPS Color Spectrum

Aside from lumens and wattage, the color spectrum that’s found in an HPS bulb is the most important factor when growing plants. Interestingly enough, plants respond exceptionally well to the reddish/orange range that HPS lights are known for.

A major question for researchers has been, “why do plants respond to the red/orange wavelength?”

Naturally, plants are in their vegetative stage during peak summer months. The Sun is high in the sky, and this produces a bright white/blue wavelength that only plants recognize. Once the sun begins to set earlier as Fall arrives, plants understand that it’s time to reproduce to ensure that the next generation is created before the harsh winter months.

This response is a form of phototropism, in which plants stop leaf growth, but rather, focus on flower production. Female flowers are then pollinated by male flowers, and soon after, plant seeds are produced.

As we all know, plant cultivators go through great lengths to keep males out of their flowering rooms so as not to pollinate their prized females. The result after many weeks is dense and resinous plant buds.

So how does this relate to an HPS bulb? HPS bulbs emit a specific wavelength that resembles winter daylight hours (short days). This stimulates the plant to switch over from vegetation to flowering. Many studies have shown that HPS outproduces metal halide bulbs because the red and orange wavelength effectively mimic the Sun.

Luxx DE 1000w HPS Grow Light


The Luxx grow light is the culmination of thousands of harvests, decades of cultivation experience and a passion for gardening. Every component of the DE 1000w is specially designed and manufactured, from the slender reflector to the low profile ballast, this fixture is designed with the grower in mind. It is perfect for a variety of lighting needs. With Smart Ignition technology, you can avoid system failures and overload circuits. The system is compatible with MH and HPS lamps. It comes with a standard socket that will work with most reflectors. It has a built-in cooling fan to dissipate excess system heat to keep the lights running smoothly. The cooling fan maintains the ambient temperature so that the system is not damaged by overheating. The thermostat controls the fans; therefore, the system has a lower operating temperature and longer life.

B.Lite 1000w Premium DE HPS Grow Light Fixture


Grow lights are great for placement in small and commercial grow spaces. It is designed to replace the 1000W HID. Because of its compact flat design, it can be easily placed in tight planting areas to maximize plant growth. Grow lights are the perfect replacement for 1000W HIDs, which support new flat designs so they can be placed in tight growing areas. With fins on all sides, heat is distributed evenly across the canopy, so all plants get the nutrition they deserve. It features soft-start technology that helps reduce load and torque during current surges. It will help protect the device and protect it from immediate, sudden starts and stops. Therefore, the technology promises and extends the life of the gripper. It uses 50% less technology when the lights are activated, so there is no sudden thrust.

What To Look for Before Buying the Best HPS Grow Lights

Before you take the plunge, take a look at these essential factors to look for while searching the many HPS grow light products that are currently available.

When deciding which HPS grow light to go with, it’s of utmost importance to decide on a wattage. 400w HPS grow lights are ideal for small-scale cultivators that don’t have a desire to bump up their production any time soon.

If you go the 600w HPS route, then you’ll likely want to upgrade your room size sooner rather than later. As you know, 600w HPS grow lights increase your grow room’s versatility, as long as your ventilation system can handle it.

Room Size
If your grow room looks more like a grow closet, then it’s recommended that you use a 400w HPS grow light and below. This is because, at a certain point, a 400w HPS bulb will be over-kill if the room is too small. You want to find the right balance between adequate coverage and light intensity. If you fall out of range on either of these two factors, then your overall efficiency will decrease.

The largest space that a 400w HPS grow light should be used in is a 3’x3’ room. If you have a larger area, your yield may diminish as you try to spread your light over a larger canopy.

When using a 600w HPS grow light, you should focus on covering a 4’x4’ to 5’x5’ grow space. As your grow space increases, you can easily add additional 400w to 600w HPS lights to accommodate the added room.

As with anything when it comes to growing plants, a predetermined idea of space should be your priority before buying an HPS light. This is because your available space will determine the light required.

Plant Size and Plant Count
Similar in importance to the size of your grow room is the size and number of plants that you intend to grow. The larger the plants, the more likely you are to want to use a 600w HPS light. If you have limited space and intend on growing in the SOG style, then a 400w HPS grow light will be enough.

Ballast Type
Another thing to consider before buying an HPS grow light system is the ballast type. If you purchase an all-in-one system, such as a 400w HPS light, then you’ll receive a magnetic ballast. If you buy a stand alone ballast, you’ll have a choice on digital or magnetic.

As stated before, buying a digital ballast will afford you greater flexibility in the grow room. Dimming options are game changers, and this option will prove itself to be invaluable once you use it.

Alternatively, if you’re on a budget, then a magnetic ballast might be the right option for you. As you consider financial concerns with functionality, you’ll likely lean towards that of the digital ballast.

Digital ballasts are efficient, offer more customizable options, and start-up much faster than magnetic ballasts.

Bulb Manufacturer
Not all 400w-600w HPS bulbs are created equal. Manufacturers play a large role in the reliability of an HPS bulb. Whether you buy an HPS grow light package or a stand-alone bulb, you should always look at who produced it.

The major players in the horticultural lighting industry are GE, Phillips, EyeHortilux, and iPower. There are cheaper varieties available, but you want the very best that the lighting industry has to offer because these are the bulbs that will power your garden.

Color Spectrum and PAR Rating
As the lighting industry grows in efficiency, researchers have found that PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) plays a significant role in plant growth. When lights contain an optimal PAR rating (400–700nm), plants are prone to vigorous growth. This revelation has pushed manufacturers to optimize their grow lights to be within this PAR range.

With this knowledge, it’s essential that you seek an HPS bulb that is well within the optimal PAR spectrum.

Aside from PAR, you’ll want to make sure that your HPS bulbs are, in fact, within the right color spectrum. Your bulb should display its color in the 550–600nm range. You should steer clear of HPS lamps that don’t present a wavelength range or products that fall far from this rating.

User Reviews
The internet offers us incredible insight that wasn’t always possible. It’s given us the ability to read other user’s ratings quickly before making a purchase. This insight is incredibly beneficial, even after doing countless hours of research.

It’s vital that you read as many reviews as possible on a given HPS bulb. Even if the website of an HPS manufacturer looks stunning, it won’t matter if the bulb doesn’t work according to the advertisements.

Besides our review on the best 400w-600w HPS grow lights available, there are many avenues where you can view what growers around the world think about a certain product. You’ll be surprised as to what you can find out about various HPS grow lights once you dive into the many reviews available online.


The best HPS grow lights are the backbone of the plant industry. These ubiquitous bulbs power many plants operations — and for a good reason.
Although there are a large number of alternatives when it comes to lighting, nothing comes close to the intensity and growth potential that emits from an HPS bulb.

With their time tested results, HPS grow lights remain the best grow lights in the industry.



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