TotalGrow MH Lumyre 720W LED Grow Light VS B.Lite Premium 720W 1940e Full Spectrum LED Grow Light Fixture

 Many plants are wonderfully resilient while others wilt at the first sign of hardship. They all share a need for light, however, but figuring out exactly what kind can be tricky. No matter what you’re trying to grow, though, the sun could always use a little helping hand. Adding grow lights to your gardening setup can extend your growing season or open up your opportunities for new plants that do not necessarily grow in your climate.

These grow lights won’t have you ready to open your own professional operation, but they can treat your plants right and fit nicely into your needs to get you and your plant pals exactly the right amount of light to thrive.

Do Grow Lights Use a Lot of Electricity?

A lot of people think that grow lights use a lot of electricity. But, do they really? Let’s take a look at this question.

The truth is, a powerful LED grow light, like the 600 watts light we mentioned above, uses a lot of electricity. In the case of 600 watts light, it will cost you around $40 per month — it’s surprisingly high.

However, if you have only around 10 small indoor plants, you will need only a maximum of 300 watts to generate enough light to grow your plants. Even less, if you have only a few small pots of herbs. According to our calculation, 1.7325 dollars is the bare minimum cost for powering 1 small plant, per month.

The best thing about LED grow lights is that they use very little electricity compared to other forms of light that give you the same output. Also, it doesn’t produce a lot of heat so it can be placed close to your plants. In that sense, LED grow lights are great, they have a much longer lifespan and they save you money in the long run.

TotalGrow MH Lumyre 720W LED Grow Light


The TotalGrow LED grow light bars in a slim profile with a built-in power supply that evenly distributes the ideal light intensity across your growing area to meet your growing goals. Superior, customizable full spectrum supports efficient, high-quality growth of any life stage and crop variety. This plug-and-play solution with direct daisy chaining is easy to implement, has low upfront and ongoing costs, and sustainably produces high-quality crops. 720W power, 2.6 μmol/J, meet the light intensity required by your plants. The high-efficiency and low-power LED configuration with 6 LED strips reduces the temperature of the LEDs, with no fans or moving parts, significantly reducing the number of possible points of failure compared to other grow lights. It works out of the box, reducing installation costs.

B.Lite Premium 720W 1940e Full Spectrum LED Grow Light Fixture


The B-Lite Premium LED Grow Light is designed and engineered to be the best grow light solution for all types and sizes of growing jobs and indoor gardens, from hobby gardeners to commercial operations. The low operating temperature and multi-watt options of the B-Lite premium allow growers and gardeners to take their gardens to the next level. The B-Lite Premium 1940e brings more usable energy to your plants with less power and is compatible with all commercial growers. With an input power of 720W, the bike delivers an efficiency of 2.7umol/J and a PPF of 1915umol/s. The light source of the plant growth light is a high-performance Samsung LED chip, which emits full-spectrum light for the overall growth and development of plants.

Some things to consider when buying grow lights

Type of light
The two types of light on this list are LEDs and fluorescents. The latter has been a very popular choice with growers for decades. High-output T5 tubes can produce an impressive amount of light that will nurture plants at any level. Fluorescents are high output, but low heat, which is good if you do not want to burn your fledgeling plants.

LEDs are extremely efficient and use less power. They’re also often much more flexible in their physical size and shape because they do not require long tubes in order to generate illumination.

Power consumption
If you’re keeping grow lights on up to 18 hours per day, they’re going to consume considerable power, even if you’re using efficient LEDs. You want something with a built-in timer because then you won’t forget to turn it on and off, which is bad for your electric bill as well as the plants.

Remember, watts used to indicate relative power with incandescent bulbs, but it does not quite work that way with LEDs. You can directly compare lights if they say how many lumens they produce, but watts is no longer an effective way to directly compare output when you’re talking about LEDs

Some plants can be picky about how close or far away a light can be for it to get the desired benefits. Adjustable lights help ensure that the source of illumination stays the desired distance from the plants themselves so they do not starve or burn.


If you’re planning on growing plants indoors and you want to ensure the highest quality yields as possible, any of the full spectrum LED grow lights on our list would most certainly do the trick. Powerful, efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly, each lamp is well-designed and will be sure to help you grow robust crops.



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