How to Choose the Most Suitable LED Grow Lights?

 For most of the year, plants in your greenhouse do just fine with natural light. However, in order for your plants to flourish year-round, you might need to supplement with grow lights. For example, maybe light gets blocked by trees, shelving units, or even other plants; or the days are simply getting too short to provide your plants with sufficient bright light.

Whether you’re just starting out or are an experienced greenhouse gardener, grow lights are a great addition to any greenhouse. These artificial lighting systems can supplement or even completely replace natural sunlight, as long as you pick the right ones for your gardening needs.

Why Plants Need Light

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert water and carbon dioxide into food (sugar) when exposed to sunlight. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air through openings in their leaves and convert it into sugar during photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is the green pigment in plants that allows plants to create their own food and gives plants their green color. Water is necessary for plants to carry out photosynthesis, and plants absorb water through their roots. Oxygen is released back into the atmosphere as a by-product of photosynthesis.

Light duration, or the amount of time the plant is exposed to sunlight, is also important. The duration of light varies with the seasons. This also affects the ambient temperature. Summer has the longest sunshine duration, followed by spring and autumn, and winter has the shortest sunshine duration. Not all plants need the same amount of light. Fruiting plants, like tomatoes, tend to need more sunlight than non-fruiting plants. For example, strawberries need more sunlight to grow than lettuce. The resulting plants grow best in summer and may need up to 18 hours of light per day for flowering and fruit set. On the other hand, some plants, such as cauliflower and cabbage, do well in late fall with only 12 hours of light per day.

ECO Farm DBL5000 Full Spectrum LED Grow Light 480W


With 1296 pcs SAMSUNG LM281B diodes, ECO Farm Led grow lights draw 480 watts achieving an impressive PPE of 2.5 umol/J, coverage for 4'x4′ of high-yielding full-cycle growth. with a smaller footprint for better crop quality, more cost-effective. 4x4ft for personal grow, 3x3ft for commercial grow. Built-in removable bars interval & disability enable the exact dynamic PPFD control over each of plant growing stages. Easy dimming & daisy chain max up to 15 lights, IP65 Waterproof, master light easily controlled, making it a high-performance commercial grow light for enormous yields. Also perfectly suit full-cycle hydroponic, soil, grow tent/room growing.

GrowPros HM480 LED Grow Light


This GrowPros grow light, with an increased lifespan over traditional grow light sources, cultivates healthier, happier plants. The HM480 Series produces 1.8 gram per watts (dried) of crop yield. A high-PPFD and PAR indicates high efficacy, or light output produced per expenditure of unit of power. Generating about 50% more in energy savings over traditional HID and HPS light sources, the HM480 gives you meaningful savings over time. Will not produce the same results without CO2 supplementation. A full-spectrum LED rack lighting solution designed for commercial indoor and greenhouse applications, enabling control over the plant cycle from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage.

Spider Farmer SE5000 480W Full Spectrum LED Grow Light


This Spider Farmer LED grow light features a uniquely designed 6 extended LED strips that provide more even canopy coverage, especially on the outer edges of the growing area. With 1680 SAMSUNG LM301B diodes, the SE5000 Led Grow Light consumes 480 watts at 1333 umol/s, achieving an impressive PPE of 2.75 umol/J, covering a high yield full-cycle growth of 4'x4'. The full spectrum (380–410nm, 660–665nm, 730nm, 3200–4200K, 4800–5000K) is ideal for vegetable flowering to suit every stage of the plant cycle. The dimmer knob is ideal for growers to adjust the light intensity for different growth stages. The daisy chain feature allows you to connect up to 30 spider farm grow lights — dimming multiple lights at the same time.

What should I pay attention to when buying indoor plant grow lights?

When shopping for grow lights for your houseplants, there are a few things to consider. First, consider the size of the planting space and the number of plants. This will help you determine the size and type of grow lights you need.

You should also consider the type of plant you are growing and its light requirements. Different plants have different requirements for light, so it is very important to choose a grow light that suits your plant.

Also, you should consider the color temperature of your grow lights. Different color temperatures will have different effects on plant growth, so choose grow lights with a color temperature that suits your plants.

Finally, consider the cost and energy efficiency of grow lights. You want to choose grow lights that are affordable and energy efficient so you can save on your electricity bills and protect the environment.


Whether you are a beginner or a commercial grower, choosing the best LED grow lights for your plants is an important decision. With the tips in this article, you will surely know how to choose the most suitable LED grow lights for your indoor garden.



Las mejores luces de cultivo LED para llevar su jardinería al siguiente nivel

Kind LED X220 Grow Light VS Sylvania GRO-LUX LED Light LINEAR 264W

ECO Farm G3 MARS 800W Samsung LM301B LED Grow Light VS Spider Farmer G860W Full Spectrum LED Grow Light