Gavita Pro RS 2400e 800W LED Grow Light VS Mammoth Lighting Fold Series MF08 LED Grow Light

 Whether you want to start a hydroponic mini farm, seed your garden, or keep your perennials happily alive through winter, grow lights will increase the amount of light your plants receive indoors. This translates into happier, healthier, more productive plants. LED grow lights are a cost-effective option for indoor gardens because they use less wattage. Here’s everything you need to know when choosing LEDs for your indoor garden.

How to Run an Efficient LED Strip Grow Light System

To run an efficient LED strip grow light system, there are a few tips and tricks to follow. When installing lights, remember to spread them out as much as possible so that no natural light is lost from any one area of the garden. Also, if possible, try to install timers on the individual lights so that each light can run at different times and maximize daylight hours. Finally, be sure to check on your plants frequently to make sure they are receiving all the necessary light they need.

It is also important to ensure that your LED strip grow light system is well ventilated. This will help keep the lights from overheating and ensure your plants get the optimum amount of light. Also, be sure to clean the lights regularly to remove any dust or debris that might be blocking the light from reaching the plants. By following these simple tips, you can make sure your LED strip grow light system is running efficiently and that your plants are receiving the light they need to thrive.

Gavita Pro RS 2400e 800W LED Grow Light


Gavita LED grow lights produce 2400 μmol/s at an impressive 3.0 μmol/J efficiency and provide a broad spectrum of white light and enhanced blue light to help enhance flavor and aroma. This powerful full-spectrum light source is designed for all aspects of plant growth — from the vegetative stage to the end of flowering and when higher light levels are required. Using the Gavita Master EL3 controller, the luminaire can be dimmed by up to 10% without any loss of efficiency. The RS 2400e is built with high quality components including Gavita drivers and custom Gavita branded diodes to deliver the performance and longevity you’ve come to expect from a trusted brand.

Mammoth Lighting Fold Series MF08 LED Grow Light


The Mammoth LED grow lights are built with high-quality Samsung diodes. The lights encompass a continuous range of wavelength from blue and green to red, creating a light blend matching the natural sunlight. 469 Samsung LM301B diodes per bar delivers the industry’s Highest PPFD and Yield. Mammoth customized their light spectrum to optimize plant growth and increase yields while consuming less energy and reducing operating costs compared with traditional horticulture technologies. With a proprietary blend of 3000k+5000k+660nm+730nm, for full cycle growth. 730nm speeds up flower (~5 days) and adds up to 5% more yield. Up to 5x5 flower coverage, 7x7 veg coverage. Strategically designed bars/spacing delivering more even lighting coverage (and growth) over a 5'x5'.

Buyer’s Guide

Durability. The durability of the LED grow lights should be of utmost consideration when you are searching for the best LED grow lights in Canada, so you will not waste your hard-earned money on something that will not last. Ensure you always purchase what will stand the test of time.
Heat output. Your plants will be at significant risk if you do not consider the heat emitted from your LED grow lights. You may even spend extra to cool the room. Hence, it is essential always to consider the heat output of your LED grows light when searching.

PAR. For a grow light that suits every stage of your plant growth, you should consider PAR when searching. PAR which means Photosynthetically Active Radiation is the amount of light your LED panel is emitting that contributes to the photosynthesis process of your plants.As you already know, not all types of light aids in photosynthesis. The reason why the plant in your sitting room will die even though it is being exposed to the lamps there. The type of light emitted by sitting room lamps is not ideal nor does it aid photosynthesis.

So, the PAR value of your LED grow light is very essential. This value is actually more important than the wattage of the LED grow light.

Reflectivity. There are only two options to choose from when it comes to reflectivity. The first being, the simple LED light panels with no reflectivity feature built-in, and the other being LED light panels with a reflector hood.
Growing tents usually come with a reflective lining that aids to disperse light evenly, so the undergrowth and sides of the plane get as much light as the top. However, if you are using an indoor space without growing tents to grow your plants, you should consider purchasing a LED grow light that has a reflective hood.

The reflective hood helps in the even dispersion of light as a grow tent would be doing. Your growing space is what will determine whether you will purchase a LED grow light with a reflector built-in or not.

Cooling System. A cooling system is going to be needed if you envisage your grow light will be running for a very long time. Say 15 hours or more.
The in-built fan system is the most common cooling system in most grow lights. But recent designs have introduced a no-noise cooling system by designing extra thin panels that do not build up heat as compared to the thicker panels.


There are many factors that must be considered in relation to houseplants when choosing the ideal lighting. It should be suitable for extended areas, have proper cooling technology, have a longer lifespan, and provide good performance. Quality will suffer, rendering the product useless.



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