Gavita Pro RS 2400e 800W LED Grow Light VS Enlite Ceres 780W Full-cycle LED Grow Light

 Whether you’re designing for nature or improving the air quality in your lakeside home, grow lights can ensure your indoor gardening success. They also offer convenience, since you don’t have to keep all your plants by the window. So if you’re ready to up your gardening skills, check out these top grow lights for indoor gardening!

How do grow lights work?

Grow lights are synthetic light sources that stimulate plants to receive natural light from the sun, allowing them to grow without relying entirely on natural sunlight.

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) produce light in LED grow lights. Micro-reflectors and other specialized components help enhance and focus the light in premium LED grow lights.

All grow lights emit photons (particles of light) that plants can use for photosynthesis, just as plants use photons from the sun. Plants use photons of these specific wavelengths to generate energy.

“Photosynthetically Active Radiation,” or PAR, refers to the wavelength range of photons available for photosynthesis. The amount of PAR produced by the light per second, called PPF, determines the output of the grow light (photosynthetic photon flux).

PPFD quantifies the PPF density of the area under the grow lights and is another statistic you may come across. This is one of the most important numbers to keep track of, as it indicates how much light is going to reach the plants you are producing.

Gavita Pro RS 2400e 800W LED Grow Light


Gavita LED grow lights produce 2400 μmol/s at an impressive 3.0 μmol/J efficiency and provide a broad spectrum of white light and enhanced blue light to help enhance flavor and aroma. This powerful full-spectrum light source is designed for all aspects of plant growth — from the vegetative stage to the end of flowering and when higher light levels are required. Using the Gavita Master EL3 controller, the luminaire can be dimmed by up to 10% without any loss of efficiency. The RS 2400e is built with high quality components including Gavita drivers and custom Gavita branded diodes to deliver the performance and longevity you’ve come to expect from a trusted brand.

Enlite Ceres 780W Full-cycle LED Grow Light


This Enlite LED grow light with unique designed extended 6 bars LED grow light provide more even and full canopy coverage, especially to the outer edges cultivation areas. The Led grow lights draw 780 watts with 2045 umol/s, achieving an impressive PPE, coverage for 4’x4’ of high-yielding full-cycle growth. Full spectrum is perfect for veg to bloom, to adapt to each phase of the plant cycle. The LED grow light design and aluminium heat sink on the back contribute to better airflow and great heat dissipation. The grow light comes with a detachable driver and long power cord, there by reducing ambient heat in your growing space for extended lifespan. With the waterproof coating on the LED diodes, worry free of the moist environment.

Buyer’s Guide

It’s understandable that you might want to know a little bit more before investing in LED grow lights. There are a few important things to remember about LED grow lights, and we’ll discuss them here.

Type of light (spectrum) and color of light
Color spectrum is one of the most important considerations when purchasing a set of LED lights. If you can’t get the best and full-spectrum colors for your plants, they won’t grow well.

It’s important to make smart choices.

It is important to first understand what chromatography is. It is a graphic display of all the colors under the sun. Wavelength numbers are used to refer to colors rather than names, which many believe is more accurate. For example, the wavelength of red might be 630 or 660. Although we look the same, the two reds are different colors.

Plants use light for photosynthesis. For this reason, blue and red light are absorbed more, while green light is absorbed less.

Red lights are important for plant stem growth and leaf unfolding. They also regulate flowering, seed germination and dormancy.

Far-red light also supports lower foliage and reduces the time it takes plants to grow and flower. Plants exposed to this light have been found to develop larger leaves.

If used incorrectly, blue light can cause unhealthy plant growth and overexposure. This wavelength affects the chlorophyll content in the plant and the thickness of the leaves.

Greenlight provides support for lower positioned leaves.

Ultimately, the best color for your plants depends on the type of plants you have. For the most part, plants do best with all wavelengths of light, but not all wavelengths need to be in equal amounts. You should do more research influenced by the type of plants you want to grow.

Keep in mind that cheap LED grow lights may only have blue and red bulbs.

Lighting Area
Generally speaking, this will depend on the LED lights you purchase. You should be able to tell on the packaging what their best lighting area is.

It is recommended that you purchase dimmable LED lights. This will ensure that you can adjust the light according to the needs of your plants. A great mode for LED lights is view mode. This allows you to switch to white light for a more natural view of your plants.

Design and Construction
LED grow lights use LED chips to generate the light needed for plant growth. You can find them in many sizes and shapes.

Manufacturers use technology to ensure that the diodes they use in their products emit the highest quality and correct wavelength. This will give the best results to the user.

Cheap manufacturers obviously cannot provide such quality LED grow lights. Cheaper LED grow lights will also lose intensity over time, so be sure to buy higher quality LED products rather than cheap ones.

Security Features
Even the best LED grow lights don’t work like regular lights, which emit a lot of heat. That means these guys won’t be hot enough to start a fire. This makes them safer than their counterparts.


If your plants need a little supplement in the sun, the best LED grow lights can provide that in an affordable and efficient manner. If you’re serious about growing, you’ll want to ensure you’re getting the right amount of light for your plants, but there’s almost certainly an LED option that will meet your needs.



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